Business storytelling is art, science and strategy. If you are looking to go deep, start with Story.Business. If shallow is more your thing, join the podcast. (Or … if you just want to get things done, consider working with me.)

Explore the art and science of business storytelling. The rabbit hole goes way deeper than you think.

“Grow up, Nick. You aren’t ruthless enough to build a business. You’d hate the sleazy selling.”

The first draft of whatever I’m thinking – story, strategy or whatever. No guests. No polish. No apologies.

The Business Storytelling Glossary lists the concepts, ideas and definitions that use in my work. Your mileage will vary.

Papers, books and references related to storytelling science. You’ll need to grab a coffee before you get stuck in.

Watch Seth and I talk storytelling, then dig deeper into 20 years of his insights.
“…if you want to engage with people emotionally, you’ve got to let them do most of the work of telling (the story)…”

There’s no magic bullet, but this is the simple checklist I use to tip the odds in my favour.

Great Metaphors engage, explain and persuade. Here’s the 3-Step Process I use when working with clients.

The Memory Palace is where I keep the ideas and insights that matter most. It’s a little weird, but here’s a dumb example.
Rants and Recollections
Most of these mini-courses have been brutally extracted from my podcast. No prisoners have been taken. Your mileage will vary.

In 2020, I published a series of 19 podcasts on The Hero’s Journey, as revealed by Joseph Campbell in his 1949 classic, The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

An 8-podcast series giving an overview of Robert Mckee’s view on story… particularly in relation to his excellent book, Storynomics.

In 2021, I published a series of podcasts on the Mistakes Founders Make … at least in terms of story. (Some of them got a little ‘ranty’!)

A short (slightly rant) series of podcasts about business myths I still see all the time. First released in November 2021.
Prefer professional help?
If you need help – not teaching – consider working directly with me.